Le Flambeau d'Athéna
Domaine d'Action : Réseautage et connaissances mondiaux
Inspiration: Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategy, embodies intelligence and thoughtful action. She represents the pursuit of knowledge and the strategic planning needed for societal change.
Focuses on educational campaigns, public awareness, and combating misconceptions.
Develops materials to teach naturism in diverse cultural contexts.
Provides funding to International Naturist Federation, sufficient to make it transparent and accountable to members worldwide.
Develops educational programs, workshops, and resources on naturism, sustainability, and equality.
Supports research into the intersections of naturism, gender equality, and environmental stewardship.
Partners with schools, universities, and community organizations to promote naturist values.
Engages with associations of naturists worldwide and encourage Emperors to discard clothes.
Athena's International Outreach Network (Aion)
Lettre publique -
Lettre publique -
Tous Ceux qui se Soucient de la Bonne Gouvernance des Fédérations Naturistes, de la Préservation de la Confiance, de la Transparence et du décorum moderne Parmi les naturistes.
In drop-out table below:
C = “Correspondent” of International Naturist Federation (INF-FNI).
F = Constituent “Federation” of INF-FNI.
Neither “Correspondent” nor “Federation” status of INF-FNI correlate to Member or Observer status of United Nations (UN). Yet, INF-FNI’s website seems to list not more than one “Federation/Correspondent” from each member of UN, simultaneously with listing “Correspondents” not members of UN and “Federations” lacking a website.
Drop-out table below lists Correspondents and Federations of INF-FNI, without regard to representation by Members or Observers of UN. Correspondents (TM Homo sapiens) and Federations are categorised by tectonic crusts and/or by mafiosa politics of the time.
Cameroon: Soccer team? no website. C.
Congo: A river? no website. F.
Nigeria: UN Member? no website. C.
Senegal: Chicken with rice? no website. F.
South Africa (UN): South African National Naturist Association (sanna.org.za). F.
Brazil: Federação Brasileira de Naturismo (fbrn.org.br). F.
Canada: Federation of Canadian Naturists (fcn.ca). F.
Chile: Agrupación Naturista de Chile (naturismo.cl redirects to https://www.playaluna.cl). C.
Colombia: no website. F.
Costa Rica: no website. F.
Mexico: Federación Nudista de México (fednudmex.org). F.
Peru: Federación de Naturismo de Perú (fenatpe.org). F.
United States: American Association for Nude Recreation (aanr.com). Advocacy focus; no financial transparency. Membership figures not disclosed. (not listed as a Federation nor Correspondent by INF-FNI).
Uruguay: El Refugio (naturismouruguay.org). C.
Internacia Naturista Organizo Esperantista (esperanto-naturismo.org). C.
República do Miau (pedrasdelrei.org)
Israel: Israel Naturist Society (naturism.org.il). Website insecure (unencrypted). F.
Malaysia: no website. F.
Russia: “Travelling Naturist Club NATURWAY”: no website. F.
Taiwan: no website. C.
Thailand: Naturist Association Thailand (thailandnaturist.com). F.
Turkey: no website. C.
Austria: Österreichischer Naturistenverband (naturismus.at). F.
Belgium: Federatie van Belgische Naturisten (naturisme.be). F.
Bulgaria: no website. F.
Croatia: no website. F.
Czech Republic: Českomoravská Federace Naturistů (https://www.cmfn.cz), also links to Česká Federace Naturistů (naturista.cz -an unencrypted website). F.
Denmark: Dansk Naturist Union seems to maintain two identities (dansknaturistunion.dk and naturister.dk)? F.
Finland: Suomen Naturistiliitto (naturistiliitto.fi). F.
France: Fédération Française de Naturisme (ffn-naturisme.com). F.
Germany: Deutscher Verband für Freikörperkultur (dfk.org). F.
Greece: Greece Hellas (gymnokratia.gr). C.
Hungary: Naturisták Magyarországi Szövetsége (fenhu.hu). F.
Ireland: Irish Naturist Association (irishnaturism.org). F.
Italy: Federazione Naturista Italiana (fenait.org). F.
Lithuania: no website. C.
Luxembourg: Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Naturisme (naturisme.lu). F.
Malta: Maltese Naturist Association (https://www.maltesenaturism.com). C.
Montenegro: (full-monte.com). C.
Netherlands: NFN Open & Bloot (nfn.nl). F.
Norway: Norsk Naturistforbund (scandinavianaturist.org - same website as Sweden). F.
Poland: (fednat.pl - insecure website). F.
Portugal: Federação Portuguesa de Naturismo. Website fpn.pt doesn’t exist, whilst naturismo.pt redirects to a private club in Lisbon lacking membership or financial disclosures. Associação Naturista Pensamentos ao Vento (pensamentos-ao-vento.pt) appears not linked by FNI. F.
Romania: Asociația Ronaturism (ronaturism.ro). F.
Russia: “Travelling Naturist Club NATURWAY”: no website. F.
Serbia: Naturisticka ogranizacija Srbije (nos.org.rs). F.
Slovakia: Asociácia Slovenských Naturistov (https://asn.sk). F.
Slovenia: Zveza Drustev Naturistov Slovenije (naturist.si). F.
Spain: Federación Española de Naturismo (naturismo.org). F.
Sweden: Sveriges Naturistförbund (naturistforbundet.se). Same website as for Norway Federation. F.
Switzerland: Union Naturiste Suisse (snu-uns.com). F.
United Kingdom: British Naturism (bn.org.uk). Estimated 9,000 members. Membership figures available; financial data not disclosed. Another site (naturism.org.uk - lacking SSL/TLS certificate of security) describes itself as “a miscellaneous collection of links”. F.
Australia: Australian Naturist Federation (australiannaturist.au). F.
New Zealand: New Zealand Naturist Federation (gonatural.co.nz). F.