Le Bosquet de Freya

Domaine d'Action : Création et protection d'espaces inclusifs

Inspiration: Freya, la déesse nordique de l'amour, de la beauté et de la guerre, incarne l'équilibre et l'harmonie. Symbolise la création d'espaces où les gens peuvent se sentir en sécurité, respectés, connectés à la nature et à eux-mêmes.

Estimated Annual Budget: Many billions

Possible Business Plan


  1. Créer et maintenir des espaces naturistes : publics et privés, inclusifs et accueillants.

  2. Assurer l'accessibilité pour tous : indépendamment du sexe, de l'âge, des capacités ou des antécédents.

  3. Encouragez les événements et les rassemblements qui célèbrent la nudité et la diversité.

Tactiques & Méthodes

  1. Buy, sell, lease and/or sublease private real estate and/or public land where practice of naturism is - or may be - permitted and tolerated.

  2. Subterfuge, espionage, information leaks etc. by allies of naturism, inside international networks of investment banking, private equity, real estate etc.

  3. Expose corruption and cast public shame upon behaviours aimed at passive rent-seeking which don’t contribute to economic productivity.

Example 1: CHM de Montalivet, France

  • Fin du bail récurrent de 9 ans of land comprising Centre-Helio-Marin de Montalivet. Quasi-legal terminology in revolving contract has potential to encourage corruption privée et corruption publique, denies rights of homeowners and inhibits full realisation of CHM’s potential to benefit humanity and the planet.

  • Vendays-Montalivet town hall might be failing in civic duty toward hundreds of persons living permanently (but unofficially) within Centre-Helio-Marin. A private-equity entity subleases land to captive tenants, at prices determined by whim of corporate profit. Owners of wooden bungalows in Forest of Freya appear now invoiced for overlapping municipal services by two entities: one public and one private. Poor transparency and accountability is evident, enabling (perhaps) several million euros per annum to enter pockets of private equity investors who care not about naturist philosophy. This may represent a lost opportunity to use several millions euros (per year) for promotion of naturism worldwide.

  • Unwritten evidence confirms that many owners of wooden bungalows in Forest of Freya are wealthy individuals. Some may not pay attention to minutiae of annual invoices, for a mere few-thousand euros. Personal conversations confirm that some wealthy owners of second or third homes give no shit about economic inequality. Vendays-Montalivet town hall must acknowledge its failure to hold SOCNAT to account and decline renewal for lease of land. Instead, it must lease or sell the land to a non-profit entity (whether French or foreign) dedicated to a mission of naturism. The term “non-profit” is confusing and often misunderstood: non-profit entities can usually generate unlimited income (by multiple methods), but destination of surplus income (euros remaining after money spent is subtracted from money received) must align with a public-interest purpose. SOCNAT was established (in 1950s) with a specific public interest purpose, but evidence suggests that tens of millions of euros in surplus income might not have been used to further that public interest purpose.

  • Owners of bungalows as second homes, who do not reside permanently in CHM, could be required to make supplementary annual donations (according to a specified minimum multiplier of an ordinary lease and/or proportional to personal wealth) to the non-profit mission of promoting practice and philosophy of naturism (instead of into private pockets of fuckwits). Financial penalties could apply when bungalows are kept unoccupied without reason. For example, any of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Bernard Arnault, Larry Page, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer or Warren Buffett leases any plot of land within CHM, he should be annually required to donate several billion euros to the mission of promoting philosophy and practice of naturism; and, if his property is kept empty without reason, this mandatory minimum donation could be doubled (or more, in relation to personal wealth).

  • Current 9-year-recurring-lease expires March 31, 2027; it should not be renewed! Instead, Vendays-Montalivet town hall should donate, sell or lease the land to a dedicated FRUP (a public-benefit, non-profit foundation), with skills and competence to manage the land in accordance with the established naturist philosophy and practice.


Vendays-Montalivet town hall could terminate the 9-year-recurring lease of Centre-’Hello’-Marin (expires March 31, 2027), thence donate or sell the land to a purpose-designed FRUP for eco-friendly naturism? Perhaps, some plots (max. 10-20%) within CHM could be assigned with licenses for permanent habitation (i.e. confer basic human rights upon a specified proportion of persons who may choose to reside therein), thus legitimise a commune for artists, eccentrics and neurodivergent persons? By selling this land to a purposely-designed FRUP entity - with mandatory supervision by government authorities - Vendays-Montalivet could enhance its international standing and attract increased intergalactic tourism.

It’s interesting to compare available versions of registered statutes of SOCNAT.

Example 2: Costa Natura, Spain

Article below published in H&E Naturist magazine (May 2024 issue) was subsequently removed from online edition due to malicious threats of Strategic lawsuits against public participation (also known as SLAPP suits or intimidation lawsuits). Costa Natura was originally approved by forward-thinking remnants of Spain’s centralist Franco Dictatorship to become the nation’s first ever, purpose-designed, naturist tourist resort. However, local government corruption resulted in Costa Natura being simultaneously registered in the horizontal property regime for permanent residential use (presumably, with aim and effect of artificially increasing real estate values and scamming foreign retirees). The resulting schizophrenic existence of Costa Natura, throughout more than 40 years, still fires a hotbed of organised financial crime perpetrated by multinational revolving gangs of calculating fraudsters.

Example 3: Pedras d’el Rei, Portugal

Calculated and organised real estate crime targeting naturists in Portugal gets beyond a joke! Pedras d’el Rei, inside Ria Formosa Natural Park, was the first village in Portugal designed and constructed with tourism in mind and a short distance by foot from a vast, wild, sandy, officially-approved naturist beach. Ria Formosa wetlands also function as one of Europe’s most important seasonal stopovers for multiple migratory avian species. Pedras d’el Rei and Tavira Island (due to year-round warm and sunny weather) have potential to surpass even CHM Montalivet for naturist living and tourism, but local and national government-backed crimes cause many hundreds of houses to be kept purposefully unoccupied. Intricately-organised, selective mechanisms to force residents out of their homes include secretive surveillance, physical violence, threats of murder, punitive psychiatry, financial fraud and systematic interceptions of private correspondence directly continuous with Operation Stork of Salazar Dictatorship (which ended, theoretically, in 1974).

Activités Potentielles :

  • Acheter et vendre real estate to create and maintain naturist-friendly spaces that are inclusive and welcoming.

  • Community Crowdfunding: Engage naturists worldwide to collectively fund land acquisitions.

  • Educational Programs: Promote naturist philosophy and sustainable practices in managed spaces.

  • Collaborations: Work with environmental and social organisations to enhance visibility and impact.

  • Ensure accessibility for all, regardless of gender, age, ability, or background.

  • Host events and gatherings that celebrate nudity and diversity.

Vision à long terme :

  • Créer un réseau mondial de sanctuaires sous la bannière Terra Naturis, en assurant l'accès aux espaces naturistes dans toutes les régions du monde.

  • Développer un cadre de gouvernance partagée où les communautés locales peuvent gérer leurs propres espaces Terra Naturis selon les principes directeurs du Trust.

--- Charte détaillée en cours de développement... 🌿

Terra Naturis
